
Woman Book

The Muslim woman today is restrained between two ignorances “jaahiliyyah”, one being the ignorance of the 20th century, which shows a degraded portrait of the woman, and the other being the preIslamic era that looks at the woman as a being more junior and of less status than the man

The new jaahiliyyah, with the pretext of the social activity of the woman and defending her rights, calls the woman toward unknown labyrinth. And the other ignorance, under the guise of chastity and purity, keeps the woman far from so many human perfections and virtues
Many are of the opinion that the Muslim woman has only two alternatives before her, and she has no choice but to select one of them: either to surrender to the western debauchery or to stay secluded in her house deprived of all human perfections and sublimities

Perusing attentively the main sources of religion “the Qur’an and Prophetic Sunnah” will lay before us an intermediate way, neither that seduction nor this petrifaction “tahajjur”, neither that libertinismnor this seclusion Islam, according to genuine texts, presents a portrayal of the woman, proving her to be a human being, but not a man, as the man being also a human being but not a woman ….

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