Face-to-face meetings of the Hedayat center


In the name of God
The cultural session of the guidance center is held in person (it will also be broadcast virtually) and for all age ranges and tastes as follows.

Abrar Foundation
Abrar House,
45 Crawford Pl,

Time: Saturday, May 04 (18:30 – 21:00pm)

In the main hall:


At the same time in hall number two:

A presentation about Basic art & painting techniques will be made in Farsi between 19:00 – 20:30 for those interested in the arts.

A cultural & recreational programme for younger children & teenagers will be provided between 18:30- 20:30.

A warm welcome awaits you all & we look forward to seeing you.

Hedayat Centre
Saturday, May 04 (18:30 – 21:00pm)
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/kpp-wxto-pvt

Imam Hussain (AS)

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