
Dear Friends and Supporters

Firstly, HEDAYAT CENTRE would like to thank you for the generous support & donation you have provided. HEDAYAT CENTRE is an NGO dedicated to serving the community and is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions. Your continued support and donations will enable us to endeavor and continue to provide and improve our services and activities. If you have enjoyed and benefited from our various programs and services last year; you will hopefully enjoy these services even more in the forthcoming year. Your continued support will help enable us to continue and expand.

Among the services offered to the members:

  • Educational Programs.
  • Interest free loans in line with ISLAMIC guidelines.
  • Understanding and Support for the community.
  • Cultural programs and services such as social outings and day trips.
  • Scientific and other presentations and lectures by experts.
  • Marriage support service platform and advice provided by a professional psychologist and counselor.
  • Funeral services and repatriation of the deceased.

HEDAYAT CENTRE aims to be a leading cultural center for the entire Muslim Community.
The suggested minimum membership for people over 15 years old is £120 per year for an individual and £180 for a family including husband and wife and their kids. Please first complete the online application form, because Hedayat Centre committee needs to approve each individual application. Please note, before paying the membership fee, people need to have received the confirmation email.

Account name: Hedayat Centre Ltd
Account Number: 75105756
Sort Code: 51-50-03
Reference: Donation-MS? 👇
Write your membership number instead of question mark please.

membership as an individual

Membership as a family

Membership Form


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