
After research into rural employment opportunities an urgent need was identified about the shortages of local employment chances. To remedy the issue identified, it was decided to provide financial funding for small local enterprises within communities. Consultations where carried out with local community leaders and activists to specifically identify the local needs and as a result enterprises were set up that reflected community needs.

One of the most important groups that was consulted was the local academics who had knowledge and expertise which were relevant to local needs. Experts in business development and growth were consulted in order to identify the most beneficial enterprises. Local university students also volunteered to help these projects to take off and succeed. Undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate volunteers helped with setting up the enterprises initially and they were also involved in running and managing the projects on a regular basis.

It was decided to set up and manage these enterprises within local communities in rural areas. There were several factors which influenced the decision making to set up these enterprises locally. One of the most important factors was to create and stimulate local employment opportunities to stop local populations from migrating to larger cities. Another reason was to positively have an impact on mental health of the local populations by boosting self-esteem and self-confidence. A further reason was to keep the family unit together and to strengthen the family unit, therefore improve the family mental health. Another factor that was considered was to reduce the chances of getting involved in crime whether in their own local communities or the larger cities by boosting life chances locally.

One of the most deprived groups in the community was the disable population. The first project that was established was to help disabled people in a constructive manner to participate in productive employment. Shortages and the high cost of some food products was one of the main reasons to set up this enterprise. Fresh local produce was purchased to manufacture these products. By buying locally from farmers they were being supported and also unnecessary cost of the transport to other regions was avoided. Local community activist and leaders found suitable premises to set up the production line to manufacture products like tomato puree, lemon juice, and other condiments. The necessary manufacturing equipment were purchased as well as fresh produces were purchased to start the project.

Another project that was set up in different deprive area was to manufacture clothing garments. Local employments and needs were identified before setting up this particular project. Also, local business community leaders and volunteers were consulted to make sure the project met the needs of the community. Once suitable promises had been identified and production equipment were purchased, production began shortly after. This particular project meant at least 15 people where directly or indirectly in gainful employment.

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