
Hedayat Centre believes that the family unit is of crucial importance because it is a micro unit of society and it plays a significant role in shaping the future of children. One of the functions of the society should be to strengthen the family unit and how it functions. Various government departments such as the Department of Education and other social agencies and forces can play important roles in ensuring the family unit becomes stronger and has healthier relationships within the family and society at large.

Many societies from different cultural backgrounds are facing many challenges within their societies. The family unit and the quality of the relationships between its members can determine how children develop into adults in societies. Various pressures such as being bombarded by a multitude of media forces and other factors are fighting for the attention of family members. For example, many children at the age of nine or ten or even younger have access to smart phones, tablets, and other smart devices without much control or supervision from their parents or caregivers.

The social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, TikTak, Snapchat, and other platforms are competing with each other for the attention of every member of society and we believe children should be protected from the adverse effects of these social network platforms. Many parents are not aware of their children online activity which could be harmful. Sometimes parents do not necessarily have the skills needed to ensure that their children are safe from online bullying, abuse, and other harmful factors.   

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